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Achieve your desired PTE score card in four weeks. Proving your English language competency for studies or working overseas or for immigration is not a dream anymore. Join our free introduction session and discover depth and breadth of PTE Academic and unleash all of its competitive advantages. Achieving your dream PTE score is not materialized through conventional exam methods. Thanks to the technological advancement of artificial intelligence delivering the exam through a human examiner is no longer required. PTE is fast, reliable, achievable and there will be no human involvement for marking. Use this environment and practice your PTE with real exam questions for free. Become a privileged user and access the complete real exam question database. Use our intensive program to learn all the single fixed structures, exam tips, technical methods, and take one-on-one sessions with our teachers, to secure your scores. You will be surprised to know how fast you reach your English competency level with all the advanced facilities we have offered in one place. We don’t collect subscribes, instead we take pride in sharing your success story.
We don’t depend on your English Proficiency. We don’t ask to improve your vocab, written discourse & grammar. Our fixed structures and accurate real exam questions will support you to get 79+
We provide complete real exam database for all 20 components in PTE ACADEMIC.
We offer 100% Fixed Structure for speaking and writing. You just need to repeat the same structure and do not need to change it at the exam. Our structure is applicable to any exam question.
Unlimited classes until you achieve 79+. We work according to your schedule, not ours.
79+ guaranteed with the access of INTENSIVE TRAINING PLATFORM 100% Online Platform to practice real exam questions under real exam conditions with exam timing and score.
In class & Online training.
This is not another lecture about PTE similar to what you have mostly seen in YouTube and other social media. This is a live interactive session where all the information explained during the session will be promptly supported with real examples and practical case studies. You can raise questions and clarify the information with the teacher. In this live session a professional PTE teacher will cover all the basic aspects you need to know about PTE Academic. The teacher will explain competitive advantages of the PTE compared to IELTS, explain all the technical aspects you must know about PTE and demonstrate real exam questions and answers to provide you a better understanding about how this exam works. He will also reveal 40% of the exam secrets by demonstrating a real exam during this session. Further, he will precisely elaborate on how our fixed structures and techniques contribute to achieve the best scores. At the end of the session you will confidently know all the technical aspects about the exam and you will understand the right approach to achieve your desired outcome. Participate in our completely free live introductory session and start your PTE journey with us